(Scroll down for a short
description of each of our staff members)
A short description of each of our department heads:
Eddie Weber Owner and President of WinJewel Software since January 1st, 2021. He is a long time Software Programmer for WinJewel. He has a college degree in computer programming. His
knowledge of programming, web design and computer hardware make him a great contributor
to WinJewel and a logical continuer of the program. Email: eddie@winjewel.com
Larry Stevens the original designer and original president of the company ran
his own jewelry store business for 34 years. He now works only weekends and holidays answering phone calls. He is a past president of the Oregon
State Jewelers Association, a past member of the Board of Directors of Jewelers
of America, a past president of the Northwest Guild of the American Gem Society.
WinJewel is the result of combining Larry's two loves of the jewelry business
and the computer business. Email: larry@winjewel.com
WinJewel's youngest programmer hard at work.